Saturday, December 1, 2012

Drunk Driving: Easily Preventable

Every year, millions of people are killed or seriously injured in a car accident that was caused by a driver who was under the influence. It is incredibly common to hear stories about drunk driving incidents even though it is easily preventable; just do not drink and drive. If parents are more willing to pick their children up when they are drunk, or the media instills the idea that it is “uncool” and not safe to drink and drive, then maybe more accidents caused by driving under the influence could be prevented. There are actions people can do to prevent themselves and others from drinking and driving.
            At parties, people drink and socialize. But when it is time to go home, these people have a choice to make. They can either choose to drive inebriated, or not. It is this one decision that can save—or end—lives. Sadly, many people make the wrong decision and drive. It is that one careless decision to drive while intoxicated that changes everything for some lives. A drunk driver hit me and it changed not only my life, but my friends’ lives as well as our loved ones’ lives forever. I had many major surgeries, one of my friends could not walk for half a year, and my other friend did not make it. We had so much to recover from along with our families and other loved ones. Sadly, there are other stories like mine that have happened. 
So, why drink and drive? Some use the excuse saying that “they’re fine,” when in actuality, they have not really thought through their decision. Alcohol impairs decision making, so the person should not wait until after having a few drinks to decide whether to drive or not. If these people would sincerely think it through, they would realize that they definitely should not drive in an inebriated state. Some teenagers feel that they have to drive their own car home so their parents do not know that they had been drinking that night. Their parents assume that if they drove their car home, their kid must not have been drinking. There was a boy in my high school that would always drive home drunk from a party just because his parents made him drive. His parents trusted him to not drink and drive and thought that bringing his car to parties would prevent him from drinking. It actually did the opposite affect. Others think that if they do drive under the influence, nothing bad could ever happen to them. Most teens and even adults feel as though they are invincible, and that any possibility that something could happen while they are drunk could never happen to them. In reality, wrecking while intoxicated can happen to anybody.
            These “reasons” for driving while intoxicated can easily be prevented. If parents were more accepting with their children calling and telling them that they need a ride home due to the fact that they are tipsy, many teens would be more comfortable and willing to call them for a ride home. My parents did not promote my brothers and I to drink but they told us that if we were ever stranded at a party, they would come get us, no matter what hour of the night it was. I always felt safer knowing I had a ride back home and I did not have to try and drive intoxicated. Parents do not have to necessarily be tolerant of their children drinking, but if the parents respect their children for being responsible and not driving drunk, then there is the possibility that the percentage of drunk driving accidents involving teens would decrease.
            Another way to prevent drunk driving is rooted in Hollywood. It appears almost everyday, that one celebrity after another is being arrested for driving while intoxicated: i.e. Lindsey Lohan, Amanda Bynes, Brittany Spears, etc.. These are role models for people of all ages and when they are caught doing something illegal, it makes it “okay” for the common person to do the same. Even in popular music, artists talk about drinking and driving as if it is okay to do so. In his song “Power,” Kanye West sings, “I was drinking earlier, now I’m driving,” and in “Pursuit of Happiness,” Kid Cudi sings, “I don’t care. Hand on the wheel, driving drunk, I’m doing my thing.” They both encourage driving while intoxicated. Hollywood gives the public the message that it is all right to be drunk and then drive. If fewer celebrities were given DUI’s and less music was written about it, then the drinking and driving rates would drastically go down.
            There are also ways that everyone can prevent driving while intoxicated. A major concern when hosting a party where drinking will be going on is how to prevent guests from leaving the party intoxicated. The guests not only get into trouble, but the people who hosted the party can be at risk of a lawsuit. A way to prevent this from happening is doing such actions as taking the keys from everyone at the party. This way, the person who is driving home has to talk to the host before actually leaving. I know many parents who do this when their children are hosting parties and it has always been successful. Another practical way for someone to not drink and drive would be to find a designated driver before they go to a party so by the time they start drinking, they do not have to worry about getting a ride home.
            It is so easy to prevent drunk driving, but these accidents still happen. There is so much to lose when someone drinks and drives. These drunk drivers not only have their life on the line that will be missed by their loved ones, but other people’s lives are also on the line. One person may make a careless choice, but it is that choice that can potentially harm or kill innocent people on the road. There is no reason to why someone has to lay all of that on the line just to get home or wherever his or her destination is. Using the steps such as making celebrities more on board for being against drinking and driving and taking keys from people at parties can help prevent drunk driver accidents.

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